A noun phrase consists of a noun or pronoun, which is called the head, and any dependent words before or after the head. Dependent words give specific information about the head.

(determiners +) (premodifiers +) head noun/pronoun (+ complements) (+ postmodifiers)

Premodifiers consist of single adjectives, adjective phrases, single nouns and noun phrases which are used before the head in a noun phrase.

Complements are prepositional phrases or clauses which are necessary to complete the meaning of the noun.

Postmodifiers consist of adverb phrases, prepositional phrases and clauses. Postmodifiers give extra or specific information about the noun.

https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/clause-phrase-and-sentence/noun-phrase http://dictionary.cambridge.org/grammar/british-grammar/noun-phrases/noun-phrases